Brand Studio Team
During my tenure with Google's Brand Studio Team, I was presented with an incredible chance to bring numerous UI web-based interfaces to life through the power of 2D animation and design. Working closely with the lead designer in Figma and After Effects, we efficiently achieved our goal of crafting interactive experiences with a sleek and modern design language. The dynamic and fast-paced environment with this team fueled my creativity and honed my skills in Motion Design. This experience has truly refined my eye for detail and aesthetics, as I strived to deliver pixel-perfect animations that not only met but exceeded the high standards set by Google's brand.
My time with the Brand Studio Team has been an invaluable chapter in my career, shaping me into a more adept and innovative motion designer ready to take on new challenges in the ever-evolving world of digital design.
Year in Search 2022
“This year, the world searched “can i change” more than ever before. From changing careers to seeking new outlooks on life, people are finding ways to reimagine themselves and reshape the world around them.”
The team and I engaged in a creative process, exploring numerous concepts. Ultimately, we unanimously decided to focus on showcasing the world's collective aspirations for change and progress.
Building belonging to expand what’s possible
Helping people succeed has always been at the core of Google’s mission in the world. We believe that when each person can reach their full potential, it expands what's possible for everyone. That's why we're working to build a world where everyone can belong.
A CODA Story
As a CODA, or “child of deaf adults,” Tony has always straddled two worlds. And now that he hasn’t been able to see his parents in over a year, staying close is more important, but also more difficult, than ever. But with the help of assistive technologies like Live Captions and Google Meet, Tony and his family are able to share the moments that matter most.
Year in Search 2021
In a year that continued to test many, the world searched “how to heal” more than ever. Whether they’re taking care of mental health, honoring a loved one, or reuniting with family, people are finding ways to come back stronger than before.